"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning.
But for children play is serious learning.
​Play is really the work of childhood."
​- Mr. Rodgers
Why Play Therapy?
Play is the language of children. Often times, it can be challenging to communicate with our kiddos because we are each communicating from different parts of our brains. For kiddos, the part of their brain that can communicate effectively and truthfully through language has not yet developed, so they communicate to us through their behavior, and through their play. Play therapy offers children a space to express themselves while in relationship with another who is well versed in their language.
How does it work?
While in session, kiddo is in charge. We want your child to be able to feel like this time is theirs, and they can choose how to engage in their process. We want our children to shift their behaviors not just because we told them to, but because they want to. When change comes from an internal motivation, it is longer lasting and more complete.
Given that children are mainly living in their right brain (the seat of emotions, creativity, imagination, intuition, and holistic thought), they are very emotional beings, and they communicate their feelings through their behaviors. So when a child is exhibiting a challenging behavior, they are telling us that they are experiencing a challenging emotion and need support in finding ways to cope. So, the work in the playroom is learning what kiddo's emotional challenge is and helping them to build an awareness around that challenge in order to learn more functional coping mechanisms to deal with the challenge. ​
Challenge Specialties​
emotional sensitivity ~ tantrums ~ perfectionism ~ defiance ~ low self-esteem ~ anxiety ~ fears/phobias ​​~ grief & loss ~ difficulty with transitions
click here to find articles about these specific challenges